
Tort Reform and the Economy

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My story is very minor compared to any others.  However, I see commercial after commercial of lawyers telling people the “deserve” to be paid for anything from a minor accident to illness to doctors and medicine.  Tort reform is badly needed. But virtually all of our politicians are attorneys, so that need is glossed over and will never happen – unless we, as concerned citizens, begin making some civil noise. 

I merely rolled into a vehicle at a red light. I insisted on a police report and the officer himself wrote on his report that there was no damage to either car and no injuries.  About 2 weeks later, I got a call from my insurance company saying that the person had sued for injuries and damages. I showed them my car and the insurance agreed they wouldn’t pay. But, instead of going to court, they paid the other person $1,000.00.  It was sometimes in the 90’s. I don’t even remember the date now. But I remember my insurance payments were increased until the money was paid. 

Tort reform and lawyer actions are crucial to our present economic crisis.

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