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A woman is suing the Walt Disney Corporation for $250 million, claiming the blockbuster movie, Frozen, was actually stolen from her life story.

That’s right – according to author Isabella Tanikumi, the storyline for Frozen was plucked not from the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, The Snow Queen, but rather from her autobiography, Yearnings of the Heart.

While Tanikumi’s story does take place in a mountainous setting and features two sisters, one of which suffers an accident that physically scars her, the similarities are few and far between, and certainty less consistent than those within Andersen’s Snow Queen.

The formal complaint claims that Frozen has caused Tanikumi “irreparable harm” and calls for a “cease and desist from any and all sales, distribution and marketing of Frozen in any media format,” along with court costs and $250 million.

What do you think: Does this lawsuit have merit? Or should Tanikumi simply “let it go”?

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