
$7.8 Million for Attorneys, Free Massages for Plaintiffs?

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The nationwide massage chain, Massage Envy, is being targeted by a class action lawsuit estimated at $117 million. What’s the rub?

Well, the lawsuit itself for starters. Massage Envy customers sign a contract, which “states that when a member cancels or stops paying, all outstanding prepaid massages are ‘summarily and irreversibly forfeited’.”

Gail Hahn filed her lawsuit in California after paying for 23 massages in advance, but only using two. The refund policy may be a pain in the neck, but a multi-million dollar lawsuit because someone didn’t read the fine print? Someone needs to relax!

If the class action is successful, the lawyers stand to collect $7.8 million, while 130,000 of the members in the suit wouldn’t see a dime, just a free massage. Furthermore, of those, many may not even receive the number of free massages equivalent to the number they forfeited, rather, “the aggrieved customers will be eligible for one or more 50-minute or 90-minute massage sessions, depending on the number of unused sessions they claim.”

What do you think—is this lawsuit legitimate, or simply a case of plaintiffs’ lawyers just trying to pamper themselves?

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