
Inmate Seeks $10 Trillion Because Prison Food Is ‘Bad’

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An inmate in Arizona has filed over 5,800 lawsuits from inside of prison, targeting prison and government officials with no sign of slowing down.

While his first filing was in 1986, Dale Maisano has recently moved forward with a full head of steam in 2014—filing as many as 249 lawsuits in one day alone.

His main complaint? Prison food, which he says is making him “severely ill.” In consideration of this, Maisano is asking for $10 trillion dollars. 

We can only imagine prison food is far from gourmet, but a $10 trillion dollar pay out?

Furthermore, Maisano has been quoted in the Tennessean as having no “delusions I’m going to get that kind of money. A lot of them are just nuisance suits. We’re trying to get our point across.”

The point being, of course, that prison food is bad.

What do you think is more ridiculous — Maisano’s suits, or the fact that our legal system allows this type of continuous litigation?

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